LOST FUTURES issue 2: still life

In LOST FUTURES, we want to hear about worlds that could have been, should have been, or weren’t. Futures that tried to bring themselves into existence but whose spark burned out. Of the lives you might have had if things were different. Issue 1: in search of lost time

LOST FUTURES issue 1 - call for submissions

I have wanted to make a zine for FOREVER. I kept planning to. Since the days that my friend Max and I would challenge each other to poetry prompts and make glitchart covers for magazines that would never exist, I've wanted to make a zine. It never quite

NECPC website redesign

NECPC website redesign

The North East Child Poverty Commission's website was in need of a refresh: it wasn't mobile-friendly at all, it was using an outdated version of Drupal that everyone found hard to use, and through years of staff changes in the Commission any knowledge that had accumulated