It's Our Future

It's Our Future

Governments make sweeping changes to young people's lives - affecting their educaiton, life prospects, and mental health, to name a few. It can often feel like young people are powerless to do anything about this - that they just have to sit by whilst those changes are made

Participatory Evaluation using Voice Technology

Participatory Evaluation using Voice Technology

Most charities get a lot of their funding from grant-making bodies, having to spend a lot of work in writing proposals to get that money. After getting the money and running the program, most of the time they will have to write an evaluation of their project. What worked? What

Life Story Work film

Life Story Work film

Most documentaries have an eye to changing something about the world. They're not just films made without purpose, they're films about the world we live in and the stories we tell ourselves. In the Life Story Work project, Rebecca Nicholson, James Hodge and I worked with

MBA Postgraduate Conference 2019

MBA Postgraduate Conference 2019

In 2019, the Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Confernece was held at Newcastle University. I designed and developed the conference website using Vue.js and opted for a static site approach to best suit the organiser's needs and budget. The site makes use of a single-page style designed for