MBA Postgraduate Conference 2019

MBA Postgraduate Conference 2019

In 2019, the Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Confernece was held at Newcastle University. I designed and developed the conference website using Vue.js and opted for a static site approach to best suit the organiser's needs and budget. The site makes use of a single-page style designed for

Critical UX Design Research

Critical UX Design Research

Social media and portable digital technologies have become a part of our everyday lives. Whilst this is also true for charities, small and medium-sized charities often struggle to get started with their digital presence. Amidst all of the actual work they do, it can seem hard to know where to

A group of white people around a table in discussion about a board game.

The Penrynopoly Project

What futures do you want for the town that you live in? Do you still see yourself living in five years? What about ten? Are there shops that you like visiting? Are there things you're missing? Do you struggle to get around the space? Does it feel like